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Bibliography of Sinking of USS Squalus

Austin, H.O. "Deeper Diving With the Oxy-Helium Mixture for Breathing." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 75, no.4 (Apr. 1949): 423-425. [Useful background information, but not focused on Squalus.].

Barnes, Robert Hatfield. United States Submarines. New Haven CT: H.F. Morse Associates, 1944. [See ch.16, "Major Disasters - The S-51, S-4, Squalus, O-9," pp.84-88; and ch.17, "Submarine Safety, Rescue, and Salvage," pp.89-97.].

Barrows, Nathaniel A. Blow All Ballast: The Story of the Squalus. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1940.

Bartholomew, C.A. Mud, Muscle, and Miracles: Marine Salvage in the U.S. Navy. Washington DC: Naval Historical Center and Naval Sea Systems Command, 1990. [See "Deep-Sea Salvage (Squalus)," pp. 40-44.].

Blakeslee, Victor F. "The Squalus Comes Into Harbor." Sea Power (Oct. 1939): 8-9.

Cross, Wilbur. Challenges of the Deep: The Story of Submarines. New York: W. Sloan Associates, 1959.

"Dead Dogfish: The Squalus Disaster and Rescue Apparatus." Time 33 (5 Jun. 1939): 18-19.

Ellsberg, Edward. Men Under the Sea. New York: Dodd Mead, 1939. [See pp.344-365].

"Forty Fathoms Down: The Epic of the Submarine Squalus Poses New Problems for the Navy." Newsweek 13 (5 Jun. 1939): 14-15.

LaVo, Carl. Back From the Deep: The Strange Story of the Sister Subs Squalus and Sculpin. Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press, 1994. [See ch.5, "The Last Dive of the Squalus, pp. 34-45 ; and ch.6 "The Rescue," pp.46-61.].

"The Loss of the Squalus." Our Navy 34, no. 3 (1 Jul. 1939): 37-39, 56.

Maas, Peter. The Rescuer. New York: Harper & Row, 1967.[Charles B. Momsen].

____. The Terrible Hours: The Man Behind the Greatest Submarine Rescue in History. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999. [Charles B. Momsen].

Marolda, Edward J. The Washington Navy Yard: An Illustrated History. Washington DC: Naval Historical Center, 1999. [See p.59 for mention of the experimental diving unit within the context of the history of the Washington Navy Yard, although there is no mention of Squalus.].

Park, Edwards. "The Death Dive and Brave Rescue of the Squalus." Smithsonian 16, no.10 (Jan. 1986): 102-110.

"The Salvage of the U.S. Submarine Squalus." Engineer 168 (15-22 Dec. 1939): 584-586, 606-608.

Stafford, Edward Peary. The Far and the Deep. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1967. [see pp. 107-134].

Searle, W.F. "A History of Man's Deep Submergence." United States Naval Institute Proceedings 92, no. (Mar. 1966): 80-92. [general survey including Squalus].

"Sinking of the Squalus." Commonweal 30 (9 Jun. 1939): 170-71.

"The Submarine Rescue Chamber." Our Navy 34, no. 3 (1 Jul. 1939): 28-29.

Tusler, Floyd A. "The Salvage of the U.S.S. Squalus." Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers 52, no.2 (May 1940): 157-187. [The author served as Salvage Officer on the staff of the Commander, Squalus Salvage Unit.].

Westbrook, John B. "Hail and Farewell." Our Navy 34, no. 3 (1 Jul. 1039): 63. [ A memorial tribute to the crew of Squalus; no operational details provided.].


Published: Thu Jun 18 12:50:25 EDT 2015