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J. A. Field to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

CABLEGRAM SENT   February 25, 1918.

To:  Opnav, Washington                           Ser.No. 4335.

4335. Ship Mission Six.

          Delay in securing quarters prevents organizing statistical work before next week.1 Can not vouch for accuracy of information given below.

          Concerning oil Thomas and Foley convinced English Admiralty requirements have been overstated. They believe they have arranged that British demand for additional American tank tonnage be withdrawn for the present.2 Will shortly cable Engisth [i.e., English] petroleum requirements nineteen-eighteen as itemized by Thomas and Foley.3 French requirements nineteen-eighteen for gasoline and kerosene from all sources estimated nine-hundred eighty-four thousand tons. Previous estimate suggests gasoline roughly five-eighths of this total. France expects fuel oil to be provided by England. Mineral lubricating oils eliminated from French nineteen-eighteen estimates. Thomas doubts validity of all French and Italian petroleum estimates and intends with Foley to visit France and Italy to study situation.

          Please cable explicit statement present relations between Shipping Board and War Trade Board describing machinery for reducing imports.4

          Cable progress present status and results negotiations use of Japanese Shipping.5

          Confirm by mail all cable dispatches. So far as practicable mail also copies of working papers and documents supporting cable information. Flei Field. 04124


Source Note: Cy, RG 45, Entry 517B. Field composed this cable but it was sent over the signature of VAdm. William S. Sims. Professor J. A. Field was a member of the staff of Raymond B. Stevens. Stevens was vice-chairman of the U.S. Shipping Board and the U.S. representative on the Allied Maritime Transport Council.

Footnote 1: Presumably, these quarters were in the house that Sims mentioned that his staff was “making arrangements” to “take over” in late January. See: Sims to Anne H. Sims, 20 January 1918.

Footnote 3: That cable has not been found.

Footnote 4: The requested cable has not been found.

Footnote 5: If that report was sent, it has not been found.

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