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Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels to Rear Admiral William S. Sims


RECEIVED:  20th April, 1917.  To: Naval Attache,1   NO. 14020.

                                     (for SIMS.)

Immediate and full information is desired by the Department as to the present development by the British of their naval aeronautics. What style of aircraft is most used and what is most successful over the water? What is the method of launching at sea when the carrying vessel is under way. For coastal patrol and submarine searching what are the types of aircraft used?—2


          Sec. Navy.

No OF COPIES.  2.                            REFERENCE NO.

Source Note: CS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517.

Footnote 1: The Naval Attaché in London was Capt. William D. MacDougall.

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