Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet
Sampson, Key West, Fla.
Clyde steamship line reports small Spanish gunboats from Porto Rico are cruising in Mona Passage1 and about Santo Domingo, trying to capture American steamships. Steamer Cherokee chased April twenty-ninth into port. Department thinks you should send one or two gun vessels <cruisers> to Eastern Santo Domingo <ports> and Mona Passage.
Source Note: CyS, DNA, AFNRC, M625, Roll 229. Words in angle brackets were handwritten above the line. Note: John D. Long also informed Wm. P. Clyde and Company that the Navy Department had ordered vessels to cruise Mona Passage and to protect American steamers in the area.
Footnote 1: Mona Passage is the channel between the east coast of the Dominican Republic and the west coast of Puerto Rico.
- Spanish-American War
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- List of Documents
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/2/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard, Commander, North Atlantic Station, 3/23/1898
- Captain William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, Cruising Orders for the North Atlantic Squadron, 3/26/1898
More Documents (64)
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 3/29/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 3/30/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 3/30/1898
- Captain William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 4/6/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Commodore William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, 4/6/1898
- Captain William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 4/8/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 4/9/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, 4/21/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Squadron, 4/26/1898
- President and the Prizes., 4/27/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Secretary of War Russell A Alger, 4/27/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 4/28/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Station, 4/28/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Portsmouth Navy Yard, 4/28/1898
- Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 4/30/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Squadron, to Ensign Walter S. Crosby, 5/2/1898
- Instructions to Blockading Vessels and Cruisers, 5/5/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/5/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/6/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/7/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, 5/12/1898
- Captain Fred M. Munger, Revenue Cutter Service, to Commodore John C Watson, Commander, First Blockading Squadron, 5/13/1898
- Commodore John C. Watson, Commander, Blockading Squadron, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/16/1898
- Captain Robley D. Evans to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/20/1898
- Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/24/1898
- Journal of Midshipman William D. Leahy, 5/26/1898
- Commodore John C. Watson, Commander, Blockading Squadron, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 5/27/1898
- Lieutenant Commander William W. Kimball, Commander, Atlantic Torpedo Flotilla, to Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, 6/2/1898
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles H. Allen to Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, 6/4/1898
- Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, 6/6/1898
- Commander Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, 6/13/1898
- Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval base, to Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, 6/15/1898
- Commander William H. Emory to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/18/1898
- Lieutenant Carl W. Jungen to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/20/1898
- Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/21/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic fleet, 6/21/1898
- Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/23/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Commodore John A. Howell, Commander, First Blockading Squadron, 6/25/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 6/27/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Secretary of War Russell A. Alger, 6/28/1898
- Commodore George W. Melville, Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering, to Rear Admiral Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, 6/28/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, Squadron Circular, 6/30/1898
- Commander Joseph G. Eaton to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/30/1898
- Lieutenant John L. Purcell to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 6/30/1898
- Rear Admiral Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/1/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/5/1898
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles H. Allen to Rear Admiral William t. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/8/1898
- Captain Caspar F. Goodrich to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 7/10/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, General Order Number 13, 7/11/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Stephen E. Barton, 7/13/1898
- Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard, President, Naval War Board, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/14/1898
- Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/14/1898
- Captain Abner H. Merrill, United States Army, to Adjutant General Henry C. Corbin, 7/15/1898
- Commodore George Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 7/16/1898
- Commodore John A. Howell, Commander, Second Blockading Squadron, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 7/17/1898
- Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 7/25/1898
- Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard, President, Naval War Board, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 7/26/1898
- Commodore George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Naval Base, to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, 8/2/1898
- North Atlantic Fleet Squadron Circular Letter No. 79, 8/3/1898
- Commodore John A. Howell, Commander, First Blockading Squadron, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 8/3/1898
- Lieutenant Commander Adolph Marix to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet., 8/9/1898
- List of Naval Engagements of the Spanish-American War, 8/18/1898
- Complements of Vessels on the North Atlantic Station, 1898
- Auxiliary Cruisers in the Spanish-American War, 11/27/1907
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