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Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet


Washington, July 14, 1898.  


     I have to transmit, herewith, for your information, the following list of Spanish war vessels now in Cuban waters, which has been furnished the Department by the Washington News Syndicate:

     Cruisers of the first class:- “Filipinas,” 1046 tons; “Jorge Juan.” 1152 tons.

     Cruisers of equal tonnage and speed:- “Galicia,” “Marquez de Molinas, “Martin Alonzo,” “Vincente Yanes Pinzon,” “Marquex de la Ensenada,” “Isabel Xll,” “Infanta Isabel,” “Hernan Cortes Pizarro” and the “Conde de Venadite.”1

     Gunboats:- “General Concha,” “Masallanes,” “Alceo,” “Cuba Espanel,” “Contramaestro,” “Vasco Nunez de Balboa,” “Ponce de Leon,” “Alvarado,” “Sandoval Alerta,” “Ardilla,” “Cemeta,” “Fradera,” “Cavite” “Colendrina,” “Legara,” “Flecha,” “Estrella,” “Linda Satelite,” “Vigia Centinela,” “Relampago,” “Bardo Esperanca,” “Intrepodio,” “Mensajaro,” “Almemdares,” “Baracoa,” “Criollo,” “Santieildos,” “Cauto,” and several other small tugs and yachts.2


John D. Long,               


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 80, Entry 194, vol. 1, p. 280. Addressed before open: “Commander-in-Chief,/North Atlantic Station.”

Footnote 2: That is, Magallanas, Alsedo, Cuba Española, Contramaestre, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Aguila, Centinela, Ligera, Almendares. Relampago had been destroyed by Cuban insurrectionists in 1896.

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