Lieutenant Carl W. Jungen to Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet
U.S.S. Wompatuck
Off Santiago de Cuba,
June 20, 1898.
In compliance with circular letter No. 54,1 dated June 16, 1898, I respectfully submit the monthly report of Condition and Employment of Ship from date of commission to May 31, 1898:
April 6, 1898. Commissioned at Navy Yard, New York.
April 15. Left Navy Yard – coaled at Port Liberty.2
April 16. Left Port Liberty – took on board ammunition at Fort Lafayette3 and at noon proceeded to sea, bound for Key West, with orders to call in at Norfolk Navy Yard.
April 17. Arrived at Norfolk. Coaled and watered ship – took in stores – made minor repairs and thoroughly overhauled independent feed pump. Detained at this yard to avail loading with coal of barge No 4, and preparing her for sea.
April 22. Proceeded to sea, at daylight, barge No 4 in tow. Encountered bad weather on the second day out, and in the morning of the 24th the barge sank off Frying Pan Shoal in a S.W. gale and a heavy sea.4
April 25 - Arrived at Port Royal5 - went in to report loss of barge to Secretary of the Navy. Coaled and watered.
April 26 - Left Port Royal and proceeded to Key West.
April 28 – Arrived at Key West. Coaled and watered.
April 29 – Left Key West 11 pm to report to Cmdr in Chief, Naval Force, N.A. Station off Havana.6
April 30. Fell in with the flagship N.Y. at 9 AM 12 miles NE of Havana and reported to Cmdr in Chief. At noon was sent on dispatch duty along blockading line - as far west as Mariel.
May 1. Returned at daylight from dispatch duty and continued same duty until about 4 pm when detached and ordered to meet flag7 off entrance buoy to Key West. Met flagship at 10.30 pm + at midnight was ordered into Key West, to order coal for Indiana, Iowa + New York.
May 2. At daylight, returned to flagship barge No. 3 in tow which I was directed to pull along-side of Iowa. Lay by flag until nearly noon, then returned to Key West with orders to coal, water + fit out for distant service.
May 3. Towing coal barges + lighters to + from ships and Key West. Took in more coal + arrived alongside flagship at 3.50 pm. At 11 pm off Sand Key Lt. Ho. [Sought?] + boarded the American collier Evelyn with 2800 tons coal for the Naval Station Key West.
May 4. At daylight boarded the Br. Str. Myrtle - dove, Capt. Millburno, in ballast, bound from Key West to Vera Cruz. Received orders proceed to blockade + rendezvous off Cruz del Padre and report to Captain Ludlow – Cmdg U.S.S. Terror. Arrived at 1 pm + reported. At sundown the flag, Iowa, Indiana, Amphitrite, Detroit + Montgomery appeared and the Terror + this vessel joined them and stood to the eastward. Performed scout duty in rear of column.
May 5-May 12. Generally took position a-quarter of flag-running dispatches + speaking strange vessels.8
May 12. Present at the bombardment of San Juan de Porto Rico, withdrew from the line of fire in obedience to orders-after planting stake boat as previously directed.9
May 13. Hove to and spoke the Br. Bark E.B. Lockhardt, Capt. Sheridan from Curaçao loaded with salt bound for New York. Returning westward with fleet.
May 14. At noon-hove to and spoke the American brigantine “Ascot”, Captain Cates, in ballast from Las Palmas, Canary Islands bound for Monte Christo for cargo.
May 15. On dispatch duty off Porto Plata, was detached from fleet and ordered to report for duty with the U.S.S. St. Louis on the south coast of Cuba. St. Louis towing this vessel.
May 16. During the day made preparations to cut cables out of Santiago. The report of the operations which took place this night had already been reported by the Cmdg. Officer of that vessel.10
May 17. In company of the St. Louis, about 25 miles S of Santiago.
May 18. In company of St. Louis while dragging + cutting cable reported by Commanding officer of the St. Louis.
May 19. Engaged in attempting to cut cable off Guantanamo, supported by the U.S.S. St. Louis as reported by the Cmdg. Officer of that vessel. En route to Mole St. Nicholas.
May 20. Arrived at Mole St. Nicholas at 7.30 pm. Ran in to obtain information + send a cable to the Cmdr. in Chief. At 1 pm left for Key West with dispatches for Cmdr. in Chief.
May 23. Fell in with flagship at about 7 am off Havana and delivered dispatches. Remained on blockade duty until 8 pm + then proceeded to Key West for repairs, coal, + water.
May 24 to May 31. Making repairs, taking in stores + fitting out. May 30 received addition to armament of 2, 3 pdr. H.R. 2nd.11 Repairs completed May 31.
Very respectfully
C W Jungen
Source Note: ALS, DNA, RG 313, Entry 47. Addressed below close: “Commander in Chief/Naval Force/North Atlantic Station.” Upper right corner stamped: “RECEIVED/FLAG-SHIP N.A. STATION/JUN 23 1898.” Docketed: “U.S.S. Wompatuck/Off Santiago de Cuba/June 20 1898/Jungen CW/Lieut USN/Commanding/Monthly report from/date of commission/a part t 1s May 31. 1898/of condition + employ-/ment of ship.”
Footnote 1: Circular 54 has not been found.
Footnote 2: Port Liberty was located in Bayonne, NJ.
Footnote 3: Fort Lafayette was on island located in New York Harbor off Brooklyn.
Footnote 4: Frying Pan Shoal is located off the coast of North Carolina.
Footnote 5: Port Royal is located in South Carolina.
Footnote 6: RAdm. William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet.
Footnote 7: “Flag” is a shortened form for “flagship.”
Footnote 8: The nautical term “speaking” refers to an interview and possibly an inspection.
Footnote 9: See: Order of Battle for Raid on San Juan, 7 May 1898.
Footnote 10: Capt. Caspar F. Goodrich.
Footnote 11: “Pdr.” is an abbreviation for “pounder” and “H.R.” for the manufacturer Harrington & Richardson.