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ZC (Ship) Files in the Navy Department Library Nahant - Ozark



Name of ship Period Remarks
Nahant (monitor) 1862-1898 Data sheet, service log, history, correspondence.
Naiad (stern wheel steamer) 1864-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Nancy (brig) 1776-1799 History, correspondence.
Nancy (British schooner) 1812 Correspondence.
Nansemond (side wheel steamer) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Nansemond (No. 1395) 1919 Newsletter Mal - de - mer 1 June 1919.
Nanshan (AG-3) 1898-1922 Service log, correspondence.
Nantahala (AO-60) 1973 Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
Nantasket (screw steamer) 1869-1872 Service log, data sheet, history.
Nantucket (monitor) 1862-1884 Service log, data sheet, history, correspondence.
Nantucket (gunboat) 1918-1920 Correspondence. Formerly Ranger.
Nantucket Shoals (HM1 - lightship tanker) 1998 Christening brochure. (See Cape Lookout Shoals.)
Napa (monitor) 1864-1875 Service log, data sheet, history.
Narcissus (screw steamer) 1864-1866 Service log, data sheet, correspondence.
Narragansett (sloop) 1859-1883 Service log, data sheet, history, correspondence.
Narragansett (T-ATF-167) 1979-1990 Commissioning and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Narwhal (SSN-671) 1966-1967 Correspondence. Keel Laying, Launching and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Nashville (ironclad) 1864-1867 History, data sheet.
Nashville (PG-7) 1897-1918 Service log, data sheet.
Nashville (LPD-13) 1970-2009 Commissioning, Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures. Abandon Ship (CO2 Inflatable Life Preserver) information pamphlet.
Nashville, CSS (side-wheel steamer) 1861-1863 History, correspondence.
Nassau (LHA-4) 1982-2009 Change of Command, Port Visit, and Welcome Aboard brochures. Family Deployment Check-off List brochure. Tribute to a Captain...Henry C. Atwood, Jr. brochure. Sunset Reception and Parade brochures.
Natchez (sloop) 1827-1840 History, correspondence.
Nathan Hale (SSBN-623) 1963-1986 News release of commissioning. Launching & Decommissioning brochures.
Nathaniel Greene (SSBN-636) 1973-1977 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Nathaniel Taylor (schooner) 1863 Data sheet.
National Guard 1861-1866 Data sheet, service log. Later Guard.
Naubuc (monitor) 1864-1875 History, data sheet, service log. Later Gorgon and Minnetonka.
Naugatuck (screw steamer) 1862-1889 Correspondence, history, data sheet. Also known as E.A. Stevens.
Naumkeag (side-wheel steamer) 1863-1865 Service log, data sheet.
Nausett (monitor) 1865-1875 Data sheet, service log, history. Later Aetna.
Naushon (SP-517) 1917-1919 Correspondence.
Nautilus (all)   History.
Nautilus (schooner) 1799-1812 Correspondence.
Nautilus (schooner) 1838-1859 Citation.
Nautilus (SS-168) 1925-1945 History.
Nautilus (SSN-571) 1954-2008 Articles, photograph. Change of Command & Welcome Aboard brochures. Letter from Commanding Officer, USS Nautilus to Commander Alaskan Sea Frontier for appreciation rendered in Operation SUNSHINE (1958).
Navajo (AT-52) 1908-1946 Correspondence.
Navajo (T-ATF-169) 1980-1990 Commissioning & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Navarro (APA-215) 1968 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Navasota (AO-106) 1971-1972 Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Nebraska (monitor) 1869 History, correspondence, service log. Formerly Shakamaxon and Hecla.
Nebraska (BB-14) 1907-1920 Correspondence.
Nebraska (SSBN-739) 1992-1994 Christening and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Neches (AO-47) 1969 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Nellie (tug) 1876-1894 Service log.
Neosho (monitor) 1863-1865 History, data sheet, service log.
Neosho (AO-143) 19581962 Plan of the Day (1958), pre-cruise letter to wives & parents (1958), & Welcome Aboard brochure.
Neponset (screw steamer)   Correspondence.
Neptune (all)   History.
Neptune (screw steamer) 1863-1865 Correspondence, service log, data sheet.
Neptune (AC-8) 1911-1938 History, correspondence.
Neptune (ARC-2) 1962 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Nereus (screw schooner) 1863-1865 History, correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Nereus (AC-10) 1913-1941 Correspondence.
Nero (AC-17) 1898-1921 Service log, correspondence.
Neshaminy (screw frigate) 1865-1874 History, correspondence, data sheet, service log. Later Nevada.
Nespelen (AOG-55) 1975 Decommissioning brochure.
Nettle (side wheel steamer) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log. Formerly Wonder.
Nevada (all)   History.
Nevada (screw frigate) 1865-1874 Correspondence, service log. Formerly Neshaminy.
Nevada (BB-36) 1916-1948 Booklet. Plague Dedication program (7 December 1983). List of Officers & Officers' Families Residing in the Vicinity of Norfolk, Virginia (15 December 1929). Christmas Dinner menu (1940). Holiday card. "Cheer Up" Minstrels program (30 May 1918). Orders of the Day (24 September 1945). Crossing the Line certificates.
Nevada (SSBN-733) 1985-1997 Launching invitation. Christening and Welcome Aboard brochures.
New (DD-818) 1974 Welcome Aboard brochure.
New Bedford   Correspondence - no information.
New Berne (screw steamer) 1863-1868 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
New England (stone fleet) 1861 Data sheet, service log.
New Era (ferry) 1856-1865 Correspondence. Later Essex.
New Era (side wheel steamer) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log.
New Hampshire (all)   History.
New Hampshire (training ship) 1817-1921 Service log, data sheet, history, correspondence. Formerly Alabama. Later Granite State.
New Hampshire (BB-25) 1908-1921 History, correspondence. Boxing Program with Michigan, 23 February 1914. Granite Masonic Club At Sea brochure (23 March 1919). Range Finder, souvenir edition, 10 June 1919.
New Hampshire (SSN-778) 2008 Commissioning brochure.
New Haven (gondola) 1776 History.
New Ironsides (ironclad) 1862-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, history, service log.
New Jersey (BB-16) 1906-1920 History. Thanksgiving Day dinner menu (1917). Washington's Birthday Dinner menu (1918). New Jersey Mosquito monthly newsletter (November 1918).
New Jersey (BB-62) 1942-1989 Decommissioning, Welcome Aboard, Change of Command, and Recommissioning brochures. 1st Anniversary Menu (23 May 1944). Jerseyman newsletter. Shellback Dinner menu - 1968. Letter to Captain Fogarty from President Reagan dated 28 February 1983.
New London (screw steamer) 1861-1865 Data sheet, service log.
New Mexico (BB-40) 1915-1946

Correspondence. The Salvo of the U.S.S. New Mexico (newsletters, 13 February, 1 April & 3 July 1926). Queen's Daily News (newsletter 23 July 1944). Fortnightly Letter No. 1. Battleship Division Letter No. 5. Ship's table of organization (circa 1943). Captain's speech to the crew (Saturday, 23 October 1943). Plan of the Day (23 July 1943 -25 March 1945).

Civic File No. A4-3/QL/01988

“Security of Fleet Units Operating in Hawaiian Area”

Dated 30 December 1940

New National (side wheel steamer) 1862-1865 Service log, data sheet.
New Orleans (all)   History, correspondence.
New Orleans 1815 Correspondence.
New Orleans (CL-22) 1898-1929 Correspondence, service log, history.
New Orleans (CA-32) 1934-42 Picayune newsletter, 18 July 1935. Christmas Day menus, 1934 &1941 with Roster. New Year's Dinner menu (1942).
New Orleans (LPH-11) 1973-1997 Welcome Aboard brochure. Decommissioning invitation.
New Orleans (LPD-18) 2004 Christening brochure.
New Uncle Sam (screw steamer) 1862 Service log. Renamed Black Hawk.
New York (all)   History.
New York (frigate) 1800-1814 Citation, service log.
New York (ship of the line) 1818-1861 Data sheet, service log.
New York (Army transport) 1861 Citation.
New York (ACR-2) 1893-1938 History, correspondence, journal of RADM F. M. Bunce. Later Saratoga and Rochester. Poem, Santiago de Cuba Revisted, Alfred Lee Royce, Chaplain, USN, on board ship, 18 March 1899.
New York (BB-34) 1914-1946 Correspondence, service log. Christmas menu 1943. Knickerbocker News newsletter (7 March & 18 October 1945). Later Plattsburg.
New York (LPD-21) 2008 Christening brochure.
  2009 The Commissioning of USS New York.
New York City (SSN-696) 1973-1996 Keel Laying, Launching, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Newark (C-1) 1891-1926 History, service log, correspondence. Morning order book - 1898.
Newburyport (stone fleet) 1861 Data sheet, service log.
Newman (DE-205) 1943 Christening brochure.
Newman K. Perry (DD-883) 1972-1975 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Newport (PG-12) 1897-1934 Correspondence, service log.
Newport (LST-1179) 1968-1992 Launching, Change of Command, & Welcome Aboard brochures.
  1911-1921 War Service Certificate for Frank Lester Brundage?  May 26 1911 - November 11 1921
Newport News (CA-148) 1967-1975 Greetings card (1967) and Thunderbolt newsletters. Change of Command, Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochure.
Nezinscott (tug) 1897-1909 Service log.
Niagara (all)   History.
*Niagara (brig) 1813-1820 History, correspondence.
*Niagara (brig) 1813-1820 Restoration.
Niagara (steam frigate) 1857-1885 Correspondence.
Niagara (sub tender) 1911-1913 Correspondence. Later Fulton.
Niagara (SP-263) 1917-1919 History.
Niagara Falls (AFS-3) 1966-1994 Fallsgram newsletter, Familygram, Falls Flyer, history. Launching, Change of Command and decommissioning brochures.
Nicholas (FFG-47) 1983-1996 Launching and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Nicholson (TB-29) 1905-1909 Service log.
Nicholson (DD-52) 1915-1936 History, Correspondence.
Nicholson (DD-442) 1941 Roster of officers.
Nicholson (DD-982) 1979-2002 Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
Nictheroy 1898 Correspondence - no information.
Nightingale 1861-1865 Correspondence.
Nimitz (CVAN/CVN-68) 1975-2004 Commissioning, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures. Philatelic cover.
Nimrod (bark) 1806-1807 Correspondence - no information.
Nina (tug) 1866-1910 History, data sheet, service log, article.
Niobe (steam sloop) 1870-1874 Correspondence.
Niphon (screw steamer) 1863-1865 Correspondence, service sheet, data log, history.
Nipmuc (ATF-157) 1955 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Nipsic (gunboat) 1863-1912 Correspondence, history, data sheet, service log.
Nita (side wheel steamer) 1863-1865 Service log, data sheet.
Nitro (AE-2) 1932 Christmas menu (1932). Christmas card.
Nitro (AE-23) 1974-1981 Welcome Aboard brochures.
Nitze (DDG-94) 2004 Christening brochure.
Noa (DD-343) 1921-1944 Correspondence.
Noa (DD-841) 1962 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Noah's Ark   History, data, magazine articles.
Noble (stone fleet) 1861 Data sheet, service log.
Nokomis (SP-609) 1917-1934 Correspondence, history.
Noma (SP-131) 1917-1919 Correspondence.
Nonsuch (schooner) 1812-1825 Correspondence.
Nopatin (SP-2195) 1919 Farewell Dance 'Ball Supper Menu' (2 May 1919) and Nopatin Dance program (2 April 1919).
Norfolk (brig) 1798-1800 Correspondence.
Norfolk (SSN-714) 1981-1983 Launching and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Norfolk Packet (schooner) 1862-1865 Data sheet, service log, history. General order book (1862-1864).
Norfolk Revenge (galley) 1776 History.
Normandy (CG-60) 1988-1996 Launching, commissioning, and Welcome aboard brochures.
Norse King (sub tender) 1901-1917 Correspondence. Later Rainbow.
North America (bark) 1810-1864 Correspondence, article.
North Carolina (all)   History.
North Carolina 1824-1866 Correspondence, Data sheet, Service log.
North Carolina (ACR-12) 1908-1921 Correspondence. Thanksgiving Day menu (1911).
North Carolina (BB-55) 1941-1947 Article. Battleship North Carolina brochure (1999). Navy Day program (1945).
North Carolina (SSN-777) 2004-2008 Keel Laying and Christening brochures. Commissioning invitation.
North Dakota (BB-29) 1910-1923 Roster, correspondence, history. Officer of the Deck's Order Book (1911).
Northampton (CA-26) 1935-1941 The Nor'Easter' (newsletters: 5 July - 1 November 1941). 4th of July Dinner menu (1941). Copy of article (USS Northampton to Visit Baltimore). 12 philatelic covers.
Northampton (CC-1) 1963 Ceremony brochure, magazine article.
Northerner (revenue cutter) Civil War Correspondence.
Northern Liberties (galley) 1813-1816 Correspondence.
Northern Light (Army transport)   Correspondence - no information.
Northern Pacific (steamer) 1917-1921 History.
Norton Sound (AVM-1) 1973-1986 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard & Decommissioning brochures.
Norwich (screw steamer) 1861-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Noxubee (AOG-56) 1975 Decommissioning brochure.
Nyack (gunboat) 1864-1871 History, data sheet, service log.
Nyanza (steamer) 1863-1865 Correspondence, Data sheet, Service log.
Nymph (steamer) 1864-1865 Data sheet, service log.


Name of ship Period Remarks
O-12 (SS-73) 1918-1930 Citation.
O. H. Lee (schooner) 1861-1865 Data sheet, service Log.
O. M. Pettit (steamer) 1861-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Oahu (ARG-5)   Liberty pass card (D.T. Orlatt).
Oak Hill (LSD-7) 1963 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Oak Hill (LSD-51) 1994-1995 Christening and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Oak Ridge (ARDM-1) 1972-2001 Welcome Aboard and Inactivation brochures.
O'Bannon (DD-987) 1979-2005 Christening, Change of Command, Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
O'Brien (all) 1980 History. Welcome Aboard (DD-975) brochure.
O'Brien (TB-30) 1905-1909 Service log.
O'Brien (DD-975) 1976-1995 Christening and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Observation Island (EAG-154) 1963-1970 Welcome Aboard brochures.
  1963 Pamphlet for firing of the missile Polaris I from the USS Observation Island.
Observation Island (T-AGM-23) 1994 Welcome Aboard brochure.
O'Callahan (FF-1051) 1968-1988 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, and Decommissioning brochures.
Oconee, CSS Civil War Correspondence. Later Savannah.
Octorara (steamer) 1862-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Ogden (LPD-5) 1964-2007 Christening (see ZC Austin LPD-4), Welcome Aboard, Change of Command and Decommissioning brochures.
Oglala (CM-4) 1930-1941 News Bulletin (2 January - 13 November 1930). Savings bank book salvaged two after Pearl Harbor attack.
O'Hare (DD-889) 1972 Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Ohio (all)   History.
Ohio (schooner) 1812-1814 Correspondence.
Ohio (ship of the line) 1817-1875 History, correspondence, service log, data sheet.
Ohio (mail steamer) Civil War Correspondence - no information.
Ohio (BB-12) 1904-1922 History, service log, The Buckeye - ship's paper (March & August 1908).
Ohio (SSBN-726) 1976-1999 Keel Laying, Commissioning,Change of Command, and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Ohio Belle Civil War Correspondence - no information.
O'Kane 1998-2000 Contributors, Launching, & Change of Command brochures.
Okanogan (LPA-220) 1968 Welcome Aboard brochure.
Okinawa (LPH-3) 1961-1992 Launching and Welcome Aboard brochures. Decommissioning invitation.
Oklahoma (BB-37) 1916-1944 Correspondence and history. Christmas Dinner menus - 1936 & 1937. Newsletter - SeaBag (various dates). Memorial brochure. Smoker program (1919). The Fascinating Widow play brochure (April 1919). Thanksgiving Day menus - 1931, 1935 & 1936. Oklahoma's newsletter (June-July 1917). Oklahoma Sunday News Sunday service program (21 July 1918). Boxing & Wrestling Elimination Bouts program (1933). Ship's service coupon book. Navy Day booklet (1933). Happy Hour program (1930).
Oklahoma City (CG-5) 1975-1979 Change of Command, Welcome Aboard, and Decommissioning brochures.
Oklahoma City (SSN-723) 1985 Launching brochure.
Old Ironsides (barge) 1902 Correspondence - no information.
Oldendorf (DD-972) 1975-2003 Christening & Welcome Aboard brochures. Decommissioning invitation.
Oleander (side-wheel steamer) 1863-1865 Data sheet, service log, correspondence.
Oliver Cromwell (Connecticut ship) 1776-1777 Correspondence
Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG-7) 1976-1992 Launching, Commissioning, Change of Command, and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Olivette (Army hospital ship) 1898 Correspondence.
Olympia (C-6) 1895-1922 Correspondence, data sheet, service log, history. Bounding Billow newsletters (31 January, 31 March, June, August-September, November-December 1898).
Olympia (SSN-717) 1983-1994 Information card. Launching, Change of Command, and Welcome Aboard borchures.
Omaha (all)   History.
Omaha (screw sloop) 1869-1914 Service log, correspondence.
Omaha (CL-4) 1925-1937 Crossing the Line certificate (1925). Christmas menu (1937).
Omaha (SSN-692) 1973-1988 Keel Laying invitation and brochure. Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
*Oneida (sloop) 1862-1870 Data sheet, history, correspondence.
*Oneida (sloop) 1862-1870 Journal of H. Preble.
Oneida (brig) 1809-1815 Correspondence.
Oneida (yacht) 1898-1912 Correspondence, service log.
Oneota (monitor) 1864-1868 History, data sheet, service log.
Onondaga (monitor) 1864-1865 Service log, data sheet, History.
Ontario, British 1755 Correspondence - no information.
Ontario (schooner) 1813-1819 Correspondence.
Ontario (sloop) 1813-1856 Correspondence.
Ontario (screw frigate) 1865 Citation. Name changed to New York before commissioning.
Ontario (AT-13) 1912-1947 Correspondence.
Onward 1852-1884 Data sheet, service log, correspondence.
Opportune (ARS-41) 1973-1993 Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
Oregon (all)   History.
Oregon (brig) 1841-1845 Correspondence.
Oregon (monitor) 1869 Correspondence. Formerly Quinsigamond and Hercules.
*Oregon (BB-3) 1893-1919 Christening invitation. Miscellaneous, service log.
*Oregon (BB-3) 1896-1919 History, article.
**Oregon (BB-3) 1896-1919 Correspondence. Christmas Day menu (1917). Bull-Dog Gazette 17 November 1905 & 7 February 1906).
Oriole (stern wheel steamer) 1865 Data sheet, service log.
Oriole (MHC-55) 1993-2006 Christening/Launching, Commissioning, Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
Orion (all)   History.
Orion (stone fleet) Civil War Data sheet, service log.
Orion (AC-11) 1912-1926 History, correspondence.
Orion (AS-18) 1944-1989 Anniversary Dinner menu 1944, USS Orion Smoker (entertainment) program 1944, Dinner/Party Invitation 1944, Star & Bull newsletters 1944. Welcome Aboard brochures.
Oriskany (CV/CVA-34) 1945-1975 Launching, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Orleck (DD-886) 1973-1982 Welcome Aboard and Decommissioning brochures.
Ortolan (ASR-22) 1973-1995 Commissioning, Change of Command, and Welcome Aboard brochures. Inactivation invitation.
Orvetta (schooner) 1862-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Osage (monitor) 1863-1865 History.
Oscar Austin (DDG-79) 1998-2000 Platform Briefing, Launching, & Welcome Aboard brochures.
Osceola (side wheel steamer) 1864-1865 Data sheet, service log.
Osceola 1870-1873 Service log. Formerly Neosha.
Osceola (AT-47) 1898-1922 Correspondence.
Oskaloosa (screw steamer) 1918-1919 History.
Osprey (MHC-51) 1991-1996 Christening.Launching, Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
  2002 Change of Command, Ingleside, Texas.
Ossippee (screw sloop) 1862-1889 Correspondence.
Otranto, HMS (transport) 1918 Correspondence, history.
Otsego (side-wheel steamer) 1863-1864 Data sheet, service log.
Otsego (ironclad) 1870-1874 Service log. Formerly Tunxis.
Ottawa (gunboat) 1861-1865 Correspondence.
Ouachita (gunboat) 1864-1865 Correspondence, data sheet, service log.
Ouellet (DE-1077) 1970-1973 Change of Command and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Ounalaska (merchant schooner) 1883 Correspondence.
Owasco (gunboat) 1862-1865 Correspondence, history, data sheet, service log.
Owen (DD-536) 1944-45 "Air mail" grams.
Oxford (British transport) 1776 Correspondence.
Ozark (monitor) 1864-1865 Correspondence, history data sheet, service log.
Ozark (BM-7) 1902-1919 Correspondence. Formerly Arkansas.
Ozark (LSV-2/MCS-2) 1969 "Royal Court of the Realm of Neptune" certificate from Apollo 11 recovery mission.
Ozbourn (DD-846) 1962-1975 Decommissioning and Welcome Aboard brochures.
Published: Thu Dec 01 14:11:31 EST 2022