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Florida State Archives

Tallahassee, FL

Florida State Archives
500 South Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250


Boyd, Louis J.
Papers, 1861-1871

This collection includes letters written by Louis James M. Boyd to his wife, "Jannie," from April 23, 1862 to August 1871. Boyd served as a 3rd Assistant Engineer on board the U.S. Gunboat Albatross during the Civil War. While the correspondence is personal, the majority of the letters focus on various aspects of the Navy's blockade of Southern ports.

0.25 feet


Bureau of Historic Preservation
Records, 1982-1983

This series contains records maintained by the Bureau of Historic Preservation from 1982 to 1993 of projects conducted with the Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record. The records include working copies of historical reports, photographs, negatives, floor plans, and architectural drawings. It documents the architectural design of selected historic sites and/or of buildings, residences, and bridges prior to their destruction or renovation in Florida. It documents the seaplane hangers and erecting shops built from 1907 to 1918 at the U.S. Naval Air Station at Pensacola. It also includes seventy West Palm Beach residences of the Hillcrest neighborhood, built from 1924 to 1941 and representative of domestic architectural style of that period that were acquired or relocated in the Palm Beach International Airport Noise Abatement Project.

3 feet


Department of Military Affairs
Records, 1907-1973

This series consists of circulars issued by the Adjutant General's Office pertaining to the Department of Military Affairs and its predecessor, the Military Department. Original printed circulars are available for the years 1907-1912; 1916; and 1923. Circular letters, in bound volumes, are available for the period 1923 through 1940. Microfilm copies of circulars are available for the years 1946-1973. Circulars were issued by the Adjutant General's Office to provide information on topics of interest to Florida's military forces, the National Guard, and its predecessor, the Florida State Troops. The circulars are generally of an advisory nature and include information on such diverse subjects as the proper and improper wearing of uniforms, weapons instruction and maintenance, military record keeping, safekeeping of supplies, proceedings of the National Militia Board, the Florida Naval Militia, the typhoid vaccine, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, pay and retirement information, and military education.

18 volumes, 9 microfilm reels, and 0.25 feet


National Guard
Records, 1886-1909

This series contains by-laws created when militia companies were formed under the authority of Florida laws beginning in 1887 (Ch. 3707, Laws) with the codification of the militia provided for in the Constitution of 1885. These units comprised what was then the Florida State Troops and later the National Guard of Florida. The by-laws of the Island City Guards and the Santa Rosa Rifles predate this law but conform to it. All by-laws subscribed to the United States Army system of organization and discipline. In addition to those military regulations, the company by-laws provided local, self-imposed regulations for the operation of the company and its property. The approval of the by-laws by the Governor and Adjutant General created not only a military body, but a corporate body which could hold property, sue, and be sued. Most of the by-laws are typed or handwritten folios. However, several printed by-laws for militia companies and the Jacksonville Division of the Florida Naval Militia are included. The series does not include by-laws for all the units which probably functioned during this time period.

0.25 feet


National Guard and Naval Militia
Records, 1902-1939

The series contains published directories of commissioned officers of the National Guard, Naval Militia, and Florida State Troops from 1902 to 1939. The directories document the units and officer personnel of the military establishment of the state in the early twentieth century. Volume one is the only volume that lists the staff noncommissioned officers for the Florida State Troops.

The information provided on the commissioned officers includes the following: rank at the time of publication of the volume; date of state commissioning; date of federal commissioning; what arm or branch commissioned into, e.g. adjutant general corps, coast or field artillery, naval specialties, etc.; the positions filled by the officers of a particular unit, e.g. commanding officer, quartermaster, etc.; where the "home posts" of various units were located; and each officer's position of relative rank with the other officers of his arm/branch throughout the state as determined by date of commission.

12 volumes


National Guard and Naval Militia
Records, 1916-1930

This series contains copies of commissions issued to citizens appointed to serve as officers in the Florida National Guard and Florida Naval Militia. The Florida Naval Militia commissions cover the years 1916 to 1918, while the Florida National Guard commissions cover the years 1916 to 1930. The commissions include the name; branch of service, i.e., infantry, coast artillery, quartermaster corps, etc.; date of commission; and, from 1918 on, the names of the Governor, Secretary of State, and Adjutant General at the time; and in some instances, the military or naval unit to which the officer was assigned. In a few cases, the geographic location of the officer is also included.

2 volumes


Naval Militia
Records, 1897-1941

The series contains some information on each of the three periods of the Florida Naval Militia's existence. Included are reports, muster and pay rolls, enlistment and discharge records, correspondence, budget information, and variety of other records. The majority of the material covers the period of the third Naval Militia, 1934-1941. Also included are some correspondence and records of commission in the Florida Volunteer Naval Force. These were complimentary commissions issued by Governor Sholtz to honor those Floridians holding commissions as U.S. Navy officers.

4 feet


Naval Militia, Office of the Adjutant General
Records, 1911-1917

The series contains orders issued by the Office of the Adjutant General relating to the operation of the Florida Naval Militia from 1911 to 1917. Most of these orders deal with discharges, appointments, and physical examinations for members of the Naval Militia.

1 microfilm reel


Naval Vessel Photographs
Collection, 1864-1965

The collection contains photographs and historical materials on United States' and Confederate naval vessels named for the State of Florida, and its counties, cities, and rivers. Collection material is from an exhibit prepared by Robert L. Glasser, Director of Buildings and Grounds for the Secretary of State during 1964-1965. Exhibit plans were never completed. Also included in the collection is correspondence between Glasser and the U. S. Navy, as well as between Secretary of State Tom Adams and Miami Mayor Robert King High in regards to relics of USS Miami. There is also information regarding the exhibit and materials on Florida naval installations and aircraft. Miscellaneous photographs feature military installations and activities at Key West, Cape Canaveral, and Pensacola.

0.5 feet


Pensacola Bay
Map, 1861

This Civil War map of Pensacola Bay depicts the City of Pensacola, the Navy Yard, and Santa Rosa Island, showing the location of fortifications and the station of the blockading squadron. It was sketched by G. C. Rickman for Captain B. W. Powell of Company C, First Florida Infantry Regiment.

1 item


Pensacola Navy Yard
Report, 1885

The collection contains a report on the provisions and clothing located at the Pensacola Navy Yard in Pensacola, Florida prepared for the United States Navy Bureau of Provisions and Clothing in 1885. This item is a handwritten order and completed survey schedule. It gives some idea as to the articles used on Navy ships and the length of time some of these articles were stored.

1 item


Treasury and Navy Reservations, Key West, Florida
Map, 1901

The map depicts the Treasury and Navy Reservations located in Key West as it appeared in 1901. The map primarily serves to locate the buildings associated with Fort Zachary Taylor, the U. S. Customs Service and the Navy base located on the island. These buildings were generally used as storage sheds and machine shops. Some officers’ quarters and the Marine hospital are also shown.

1 item


World War I Navy card roster of Floridians
Collection, 1925

This series contains a card roster of Floridians who served in the U.S. Navy during World War I from 1917 to 1920. The information given includes name, rank/rating, location and/or ships served, date and place of discharge, and additional remarks. The cards were created by the staff of the Military Department during a project in 1925.

2.5 feet and 4 microfilm reels


10 May 2002


Published: Mon Jan 25 20:38:52 EST 2021