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Northern Formosa, Pescadores

Air Target Maps and Photos, Selected Targets

Northern Formosa Pescadores cover image.
United States Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Air Target Maps & Photos Selected Targets Northern Formosa Pescadores CINCPAC-CINCPOA A.T.F. No. 146A-44 1 October 1944
Introduction page image.

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[upper right hand corner - handwritten call #: Spec. Coll. Oversize DS503 .U55a no. 146A-44]

Text to plate:


This Air Target Folder consists of maps and photographs of 11 selected target areas in FORMOSA, exclusive of the TAKAO area (see CINCPAC-CINCPOA 139-44 for target information on the TAKAO area). The index map below shows the location of the 11 target areas, numbers 21 through 31. The pages may be removed from the publication, folded as indicated by the lines on the back of each page, and clipped or pasted into the standard chart board.

At the present time it is impossible to attempt to present maps which adequately cover all of the areas in which there are some targets of importance. Aerial mosaics and photographs have been included to supplement the available maps.

Because of the varying scales of the maps, no grids have been imposed on them.

[along right hand side in the margins: Northern Formosa - Pescadores. CINCPAC-CINCPOA A.T.F. 146A-44. 1 October 1944. RESTRICTED

[right hand side under text - handwritten #s - 32614:68 950608]

[line drawn map: Formosa Index to Target Areas]

[Stamped in lower right hand corner: Regraded Unclassified Order SEC ARMY by Tag Per 751734]

Map: Air Facilities - Northern Luzon & Nansei Shoto.
General Area Map: Formosa.
Topographical map: Principal Installations including air facilities, Formosa (Taiwan), Mercator projection heights in feet.
Map: Formosa - Air Facilities.
Map: Formosa - Air Facilities.
Map: Taihoku-Kiirun Area, Formosa (Taiwan) with legend for national highways, prefectural road, poor road, and railways.
Map: Taihoku-Kiirun Area, Formosa (Taiwan).
Map: Northern Formosa.
Map: Northern Formosa.
Map: Targets - Kiirun, Formosa showing industrial plants, docks, shipping, oil tanks, wharves and warehouses.
Map: Targets - Kiirun, Formosa.
Map: Kiirun - Area 21.
Map: Kiirun - Area 21.
Map: aerial view of Kiirun Harbor.
Map: aerial view of Kiirun Harbor.
Map: Kiirun, Mosaic - Area 21.
Map: Kiirun, Mosaic - Area 21.
Map: Taihoku - Matsuyama, photo coverage 2 Mar. 1944.
Map: Taihoku - Matsuyama, photo coverage 2 Mar. 1944.
Map: Taihoku, Map-Area 22.
Map: Taihoku, Map-Area 22.
Map: 8th Photo Intelligence Detachment, Headquarters 14th Air Force, Taihoku-Itahashi, aerial view, date of photo 2 Mar. 1944.
Map: 8th Photo Intelligence Detachment, Headquarters 14th Air Force, Taihoku-Itahashi.
Map: Taihoku, Mosaic B - Area 22.
Map: Taihoku, Mosaic B - Area 22.
Map: 18th Photo Intelligence Attachment, Headquarters 14th Air Force, Taihoku - Matsuyama, Date of Photo 2 Mar. 1944.
Map: 18th Photo Intelligence Attachment, Headquarters 14th Air Force, Taihoku.
Map: Taihoku, Mosaic A - Area 22.
Map: Taihoku, Mosaic A - Area 22.
Map: Town Plan of Tansui, Area 23, showing roads and railroads.
Map: Town Plan of Tansui, Area 23.
Map: Tansui, Map - Area 23.
Map: Tansui, Map - Area 23.
Map: Tansui Harbor showing Seaplane dispersal area, hard satnding area, fuel tanks, seaplane ramp, and warehouse area(transshipment point).
Map: Tansui Harbor.
Map: Tansui, Mosaic - Area 23.
Map: Tansui, Mosaic - Area 23.
Map: Shinchiku City, Town Plan of Shinchiku showing important buildings, Area or group of important buildings, and railroads. Map to the right: Shinchiku Area: (Photo of 23 November 1943).
Map: Shinchiku City, Town Plan of Shinchiku.
Map: Shinchiku, Map - Area 24.
Map: Shinchiku, Map - Area 24.
Areal Map: Shinchiku Area, November, 1943. Shows important areas: dispersal, taxiway, airfield, hangers, barracks, army camp, rivers, and buildings.
Areal Map: Shinchiku Area, November, 1943.
Map: Chikunan, Mosaic-Area 25.
Map: Chikunan, Mosaic-Area 25.
Aerial Map: Chikunan, showing bridges, marshaling yard and rail road station.
Aerial Map: Chikunan.
Map: Chikunan, Mosaic - Area 25.
Map: Chikunan, Mosaic - Area 25.
Map: Taichu, Town Plan of Taichu showing important buildings, group of important buildings, and railroads.
Map: Taichu, Town Plan of Taichu.
Map: Taichu, Map - Area 26.
Map: Taichu, Map - Area 26.
Map: Air Facilities, Toyohara & Taichu Airports, Formosa.
Map: Air Facilities, Toyohara & Taichu Airports, Formosa.
Map: Taichu, Mosaic A - Area 26.
Map: Taichu, Mosaic A - Area 26.
Aerial Map: Toyohara airbase showing taxiway, maintenance area, barracks, service apron, hangers, and repair area.
Aerial Map: Toyohara Airbase.
Map: Taichu, Mosaic B - Area 26.
Map: Taichu, Mosaic B - Area 26.
Map: Town Plan of Kagi, showing railroads and important buildings.
Map: Town Plan of Kagi.
Map: Kagi, Map - Area 27.
Map: Kagi, Map - Area 27.
Aerial Map: 18th A.A.F. Photo intelligence Det., H.Q. 14th U.S. Air Force, Kagi, Formosa, disregard numbers preceding identifications, date of photo 6 March 1944, photos by 21st RCN. SQ.
Aerial Map: 18th A.A.F. Photo intelligence Det., H.Q. 14th U.S. Air Force, Kagi, Formosa,.
Map: Kagi, Mosaic - Area 27.
Map: Kagi, Mosaic - Area 27.
Aerial Map: A view of Giran and Rato, looking north. (Photo 13 July 1944).
Aerial Map: A view of Giran and Rato, looking north. (Photo 13 July 1944).
Map: Giran - Rato Area, Mosaic - Area 28.
Map: Giran - Rato Area, Mosaic - Area 28.
Aerial Map: Rato Industrial Area, photos of November 1943, showing railroads, highways, and plants.
Aerial Map: Rato Industrial Area, photos of November 1943.
Map: Rato, Mosaic - Area 28.
Map: Rato, Mosaic - Area 28.
Aerial Map: Suo Area 29, showing boat yard, military area, boat basin, probable military area, railroad area, and probable cement plant.
Aerial Map: Suo Area 29.
Map: Suo, Mosaic - Area 29.
Map: Suo, Mosaic - Area 29.
Map: Boko-Retto, (The Pescadores Islands), Gun Positions and Communications areas shown.
Map: Boko-Retto, (The Pescadores Islands), Gun Positions and Communications.
Map: Boko Island, Map - Area 30.
Map: Boko Island, Map - Area 30.
Map: West Central Boko Is., Information-Ground & Aerial - to 20/12/43. Shows target data - suggested priorities: 1. targets of opportunity, ships and aircraft present; 2. ANSAN Naval Base; 3. CHOMOSUI Airfield shops and hangar; 4. Fuel and munitions storage.
Map: West Central Boko Is., Information-Ground & Aerial - to 20/12/43.
Map: Boko Island, Mosaic - Area 30.
Map: Boko Island, Mosaic - Area 30.
Maps: Top - Aerial view of Lake Jitsugetsutan (very faded) and bottom - showing details of plants no. 1 and 2.
Maps: Top - Aerial view of Lake Jitsugetsutan (very faded) and bottom - showing details of plants no. 1 and 2.
Map: Lake Jitsugetsutan - Area 31.
Map: Lake Jitsugetsutan - Area 31.


Published: Tue May 05 15:07:17 EDT 2020