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Requirements of Fathers, Mothers or Guardians to Present a Boy for Enlistment in the Naval Service: General Order No. 81,  21 November 1866

November 21, 1866.

Whenever any one representing himself to be the father presents a boy, he being a minor, for enlistment as a naval apprentice or for the general naval service, he shall be required by the shipping officer to give a certificate of his consent to the enlistment of the said boy for the prescribed period of time, and in accordance with the terms of the enlistment regulations; and also to take and subscribe to an oath that he is the father of the boy thus presented.

In the case a woman presents a boy, being a minor, for enlistment as above, and represents herself to be the mother of said boy, and that the father is not living, she shall be required to take and subscribe to an oath that she is the mother of said boy, and that the father is not living, in addition to the certificate of consent as required in the case of a father.

In case a person representing himself to be the guardian presents a minor for enlistment in the naval service, he shall be required to take and subscribe to an oath that he is the legally appointed guardian of said minor, and that the said minor has no other guardian, and that neither the father nor the mother of the minor presented by him is living, in addition to the certificate of consent required in the cases above of a father or mother.

Secretary of the Navy.

Published: Tue Sep 12 15:27:56 EDT 2017