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Z-grams: A List of Policy Directives Issued by Admiral Zumwalt
While in Office as Chief of Naval Operations
1 July 1970 - 1 July 1974

Note: A Z-gram is properly known as a Z-NavOp. Z-gram #1 became effective on 14 July 1970. All Z-grams were canceled in name only on the day Zumwalt left his post as Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). At that time, two Z-grams had previously been canceled and 87 had been or were being incorporated into the regular Navy directives system. The remaining 32 were informative in nature, announcing a one-time program or were statements of policy subsequently included throughout Navy personnel programs. Some of the Z-grams are on line.

Published: Wed Sep 21 10:31:43 EDT 2016