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Appendix to the Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, Annual Reports of the Navy Department for the Year 1898. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898.

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Naval Battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898.

Miscellaneous Documents

HONGKONG, May 7, 1898. (Manila, May 1.)

The squadron arrived a Manila at daybreak this morning. Immediately engaged enemy and destroyed the following Spanish vessels: Reina Christina, Castilla, Don Antonio de Biloa, Don Juan de Austria, Isla de Luzon, Isla de Cuba, General Lezo, Marquis del Duaro, El Curreo, Velasco, one transport, Isla de Mandano, water battery at Cavite. I shall destroy Cavite arsenal dispensatory. The squadron is uninjured. Few men were slightly wounded. I request the Department will send immediately from San Francisco fast steamer with ammunition. The only means of telegraphing is to the American consul at Hongkong.



WASHINGTON, May 3, 1898.

DEWEY (care American consul), Hongkong:
I send hearty congratulations to yourself and your officers and men. The President highly appreciates your achievement. I await report from you, on receipt of which further action will be taken and any supplies that you wish will be forwarded.



HONGKONG, May 7, 1898. (Cavite, May 4.)

I have taken possession of the naval station at Cavite, Philippine Islands, and destroyed its fortifications. Have destroyed fortifications bay entrance, paroling garrison. Have cut cable to main land. I control bay completely and can take city at any time, but I have not sufficient men to hold. The squadron excellent health and spirits. The Spanish loss not fully known; very heavy; 150 killed, including captain, on Reina Cristina, alone. I am assisting and protecting Spanish sick and wounded, 250 in number, in this hospital, within our lines. Will ammunition be sent? I request answer without delay. I can supply squadron coal and provisions for a long period. Much excitement at Manila. Scarcity of provisions on account of not having economized stores. Will protect foreign residents.



WASHINGTON, May 7, 1898.

DEWEY (care American consul), Hongkong:
The President, in the name of the American people, thanks you and your officers and men for your splendid achievement and overwhelming victory. In recognition he has appointed you acting rear admiral, and will recommend a vote of thanks to you by Congress as a foundation for further promotion. The Charleston will leave at once with what ammunition she can carry. Pacific Mail Steamship Company=s steamer Pekin will follow with ammunition and supplies. Will take troops unless you telegraph otherwise. How many will you require?



WASHINGTON, May 7, 1898.

Under the authority of section 1434 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, you have been assigned to the command of the United States naval force on the Asiatic Station, with the rank of rear-admiral.
You will hoist the flag of a rear-admiral, will wear the uniform, and will affix that title to your official signature.

Respectfully, JOHN D. LONG, Secretary.

Commodore GEORGE DEWEY, U. S. N.,

Commander in Chief U.S. Naval Force, Asiatic Station.
U.S. Flagship Olympia.


HONGKONG, June 17,1898. (Cavite, June 12.)


The following is correct list Spanish vessels destroyed May 1: Two protected cruisers, Isla de Cuba, Isla de Luzon ; five unprotected cruisers, Reina Christina, Castilla, Don Antonio de Ulloa, Don Juan de Austria, Velasco; two gunboats, General Lezo, Marquis del Duero; one transport, Isla de Mindano ; one surveying vessel, Argos, both armed. The following have been captured: One transport, Manila; one gunboat, Callao.



MANILA, November 26,1898.

Isla de Luzon, Isla de Cuba, and Don Juan de Austria have been raised and docked. My anticipations as to their value fully realized. Will leave shortly for Hongkong under their own steam. Constructor Capps deserving highest commendation.



Published: Thu Apr 16 15:03:12 EDT 2015