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Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas (CINCPAC/CINCPOA) A16-3/FF12 Serial 0395, 11 February 1946: Report of Surrender and Occupation of Japan. Additions and substractions made based on war diary, deck log and other sources.

  • Boats-Ships--Destroyer
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Allied Ships Present in Tokyo Bay During the Surrender Ceremony, 2 September 1945

The ships in the list below are listed alphabetically within each type. US Navy ships have hull numbers and Allied ships have pendant numbers. The following abbreviations are used for military ships: HMS=British, HMAS=Australian, HMNZS=New Zealand, USS=American.

Battleships (BB)

USS Colorado (BB-45)             USS Mississippi (BB-41)

HMS Duke of York (17)            USS Missouri (BB-63)

USS Idaho (BB-42)                  USS New Mexico (BB-40)

USS Iowa (BB-61)                   USS South Dakota (BB-57)

HMS King George V (41)          USS West Virginia (BB-48)

Small Aircraft Carriers (CVL)

USS Bataan (CVL-29)               USS Cowpens (CVL-25)

Escort Carriers (CVE)

HMS Ruler (D.72)                     HMS Speaker (D.90)


Heavy Cruisers (CA)

USS Boston (CA-69)                 USS St. Paul (CA-73)

USS Chicago (CA-136)              HMAS Shropshire (96)

USS Quincy (CA-71)

Light Cruisers (CL)

USS Detroit (CL-8)                    USS Pasadena (CL-65)

HMNZS Gambia (48)                 USS San Diego (CL-53)

HMAS Hobart (I.63)                  USS San Juan (CL-54)

HMS Newfoundland (59)           USS Springfield (CL-66)

USS Oakland (CL-95)                USS Wilkes-Barre (CL-103)

Destroyers (DD)

USS Ault (DD-698)                    USS Mayo (DD-422)

USS Benham (DD-796)              HMAS Napier (G.97)

USS Blue (DD-744)                    HMAS Nizam (G.38)

USS Buchanon (DD-484)            USS Nicholas (DD-449)

USS Caperton (DD-650)             USS Perkins (DD-877)

USS Charles F. Hughes (DD-428)#  HMS Quality (G.62)

USS Clarence K. Bronson (DD-668) USS Robert K. Huntington (DD-781)

USS Cogswell (DD-651)            USS Southerland (DD-743)

USS Colahan (DD-658)             USS Stockham (DD-683)

USS Cotten (DD-669)              USS Taylor (DD-468)

USS Cushing (DD-797)             HMS Teazer (R.23)

USS De Haven (DD-727)            HMS Tenacious (R.45)

USS Dortch (DD-670)              HMS Terpsichore (R.33)

USS Frank Knox (DD-742)          USS Twining (DD-540)

USS Gatling (DD-671)               USS Uhlmann (DD-687)

USS Halsey Powell (DD-686)       USS Wadleigh (DD-689)

USS Healy (DD-672)                  HMS Wager (R.98)

USS Hilary P. Jones (DD-427)     USS Wallace L. Lind (DD-703)

USS Ingersoll (DD-652)           HMAS Warramunga (I.44)

USS Kalk (DD-611)                USS Wedderburn (DD-684)

USS Knapp (DD-653)               HMS Whelp (R.37)

USS Lansdowne (DD-486)           HMS Wizard (R.72)

USS Lardner (DD-487)             USS Wren (DD-568)

USS Madison (DD-425)             USS Yarnall (DD-541)

Destroyer Escorts (DE)

USS Goss (DE-444)                USS Ulvert M. Moore (DE-442)

USS Kendall C. Campbell (DE-443) USS Waterman (DE-740)

USS Lyman (DE-302)               USS Weaver (DE-741)

USS Major (DE-796)               USS William Seiverling (DE-441)

USS Roberts (DE-749)


HMS Derg (K.257)                 HMAS Gascoyne (K.354)


HMS Crane (U.23)                 HMS Whimbrel (U.29)

Light Mine layer (DM)

USS Gwin (DM-33)                 USS Thomas E. Fraser (DM-24)

Mine Sweeper, High Speed (DMS)

USS Ellyson (DMS-19)             USS Hopkins (DMS-13)

USS Fitch (DMS-25)               USS Jeffers (DMS-27)

USS Gherardi (DMS-30)            USS Macomb (DMS-23)

USS Hambleton (DMS-20)

Submarines (SS)

USS Archer-Fish (SS-311)          USS Pilotfish (SS-386)

USS Cavalla (SS-244)             USS Razorback (SS-394)

USS Gato (SS-212)                USS Runner (SS-476)

USS Haddo (SS-255)               USS Sea Cat (SS-399)

USS Hake (SS-256)                USS Segundo (SS-398)

USS Muskallunge (SS-262)      USS Tigrone (SS-419)

Submarine Chasers (PC)

*Numbered ships given names in 1956.

PC-466  [USS Carmil]*            PCE(R)-849 [USS Somersworth]*

PCE-877 [USS Havre]*             PCE(R)-850 [USS Fairview]*


Motor Gunboat (PGM)

PGM-16                           PGM-32


Minesweeper (AM)

HMAS Ballarat (K.34)             USS Pochard (AM-375)

HMAS Cessnock (J.175)            USS Revenge (AM-110)

HMAS Ipswich (J.186)             USS Token (AM-126)

USS Pheasant (AM-61)             USS Tumult (AM-127)

HMAS Pirie (J.189)

Motor Mine Sweeper (YMS)

*Numbered ships named and reclassified in 1947

YMS-177                          YMS-390

YMS-268                          YMS-415

YMS-276                          YMS-426

YMS-343                          YMS-441 [USS Pelican (AMS-32)]*

YMS-362 [USS Hawk (AMS-17)]*     YMS-461 [USS Swallow (AMS-36)]*

YMS-371 [USS Hornbill (AMS-19)]* YMS-467

Auxiliary Mine Layer (ACM)

USS Picket (ACM-8)

Amphibious Force Flagship (AGC)

USS Ancon (AGC-4)                USS Teton (AGC-14)

USS Mount Olympus (AGC-8)

High Speed Transport (APD)

USS Barr (APD-39)                USS Pavlic (APD-70)

USS Begor (APD-127)              USS Reeves (APD-52)

USS Burke (APD-65)               USS Runels (APD-85)

USS Gosselin APD-126)            USS Sims (APD-50)                 

USS Hollis APD-86)               USS Wantuck (APD-125)                    

USS Horace A. Bass APD-124)      USS William M. Pattison (APD-104)

USS John Q. Roberts(APD-94)       

Tank Landing Ship (LST)

*Numbered ships named in 1955.

LST-567                          LST-789

LST-648                          LST-846 [USS Jennings County]*

LST-717                          LST-1083 [USS Plumas County]*

LST-718                          LST-1139

Landing Ship, Dock (LSD)

USS Catamount (LSD-17)  USS Shadwell (LSD-15)

Landing Craft, Infantry (LCI)

LCI(L)-438                       LCI(L)-469

LCI(L)-441                       LCI(L)-726

LCI(L)-450                       LCI(L)-752

LCI(L)-457                       LCI(L)-798


Medium Landing Ship (LSM)

LSM-13                           LSM-290

LSM-15                           LSM-362

LSM-71                           LSM-368

LSM-101                          LSM-371

LSM-208                          LSM-419

LSM-252                          LSM-488


Landing Ship, Vehicle (LSV)

USS Monitor (LSV-5)              USS Ozark (LSV-2)

Attack Transport (APA)

USS Bosque (APA-135)             USS Highlands (APA-119)

USS Botetourt (APA-136)          USS Lavaca (APA 180)

USS Briscoe (APA-65)             USS Lenawee (APA-195)                       

USS Cecil (APA-96)               USS Mellette (APA-156)

USS Clearfield (APA-142)         USS Missoula (APA-211)

USS Cullman (APA-78)             USS Rutland (APA-192)

USS Darke (APA-159)              USS St. Mary's (APA-126)

USS Dauphin (APA-97)             USS Sherburne (APA-205)

USS Deuel (APA-160)              USS Sheridan (APA-51)

USS Dickens (APA-161)            USS Talladega (APA-208)

USS Hansford (APA-106)

Transport (AP)

USS General Sturgis (AP-137)

Attack Cargo Ship (AKA)

USS Libra (AKA-12)               USS Todd (AKA-71)

USS Medea (AKA-31)               USS Tolland (AKA-64)          

USS Pamina (AKA-34)              USS Whiteside (AKA-90)

USS Sirona (AKA-43)              USS Yancy (AKA-93)

USS Skagit (AKA-105)

Cargo Ship (AK)

USS Lesuth (AK-125)

Civilian Cargo Ships

St. Lawrence Victory (US)        Winthrop Victory (US)

Stores Issue Ship (AKS)

USS Cybele (AKS-10)

Repair Ship (AR)

USS Delta (AR-9)

Landing Craft Repair Ship (ARL)

USS Patroclus (ARL-19)

Oiler (AO)

USS Chiwawa (AO-68)              USS Niobrara (AO-72)

USS Mascoma (AO-83)              USS Tamalpais (AO-96)

USS Neches (AO-47)

Civilian Oilers

Carelia (British)                Fort Wrangell (British)

City of Dieppe (British)         Wave King (British)

Dingledale (British)

Gasoline Tanker (AOG)

USS Genesee (AOG-8)

Destroyer Tender (AD)

USS Piedmont (AD-17)

Hospital Ship (AH)

USS Benevolence (AH-13)          HMHS Tjitjalengka (Dutch)

Marigold (U.S. Army)

Seaplane Tender (AV)

USS Cumberland Sound (AV-17)     USS Hamlin (AV-15)

Small Seaplane Tender (AVP)

USS Gardiners Bay (AVP-39)       USS Suisun (AVP-53)

USS Mackinac (AVP-13)

Submarine Tender (AS)

USS Proteus (AS-19)

Submarine Rescue Ship (ASR)

USS Greenlet (ASR-10)

Fleet Ocean Tug (ATF)

USS Moctobi (ATF-105)            USS Wenatchee (ATF-118)

Auxiliary Ocean Tug (ATA)

*Numbered ship named in 1955

ATA-205 [USS Sciota]*

Ocean Tug, Old (ATO)

USS Woodcock (ATO-145)

NOTE: USS Hughes was listed in the original report, but according to the ship's deck log was crossing the international date line enroute to Japan. USS Charles F. Hughes was sweeping mines outside the bay; at 10:27 the ship passed Ashika Light, at 10:30 the war ended, at 10:44 the ship made preparations for entering the port and anchored at 12:21 in Tokyo Bay. USS Begor conducted a beach reconaissance at Tateyama Wan on 31 August before returning to Yokosuka in time for the surrender ceremony.

Published: Tue Jan 30 09:57:07 EST 2018